Monday, February 4, 2008

Chuckie Cheese

Otherwise known as kiddie hell....

Dan and I felt like we had neglected Ellie all week last week. With the hospital, viewing, funeral (which was as awesome as any funeral could be), and spending time with extended family...Ellie was really struggling. Dan and I decided to devote a night to Ellie. We let her pick where she wanted to go (she was obviously watching too much TV and saw a Chuckie Cheese ad).

Ellie of course LOVED it, but I thought the pizza was nasty, and it was WAY too loud (I know, I'm getting old)!! :) It really is like a kid's Las Vegas...sheesh. You know those characters that sing and dance...yeah, they are the exact same characters we had (only now dirty and filthy with loss of movement).

They have the rides that require quarters, you know the kind like at the mall. Anyway, Dan put some in for Ellie, and two kids jumped right on the bird (or whatever it was). Dan nicely tried to tell them it wasn't safe for them to be on there (they were hanging on the front and back). Luckily they dealt with him...I'm not afraid to clock a kid!! ;)

Here's hoping Ellie will forget we ever went!!


kellyanddanielle said...

i'm so glad to have found your blog spot. your family is soooo cute. it was so good to see you both and your little angel. keep in touch.

Bre.Sean.Blake said...

My apologies about the list. Sean just started one off of the comments on our site. :) You're the best!

Katie L. said...

Chuckie Cheese is the worst! I always feel like I have to disinfect my kids and myself when you leave there! But they love it so we go! Hey, Mat remembered Austin from High School and said he was really a great guy and he is really sorry that happened.

Katy said...

Katie, maybe we'll have to take the kids together...if I can ever get up the nerve to go again! :)

Austin was a good guy, its crazy it still doesn't seem "real". Tell Mat thanks.