Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What Does your Alarm Clock Sound Like?

Mine sounds and looks like this...

Mind you, this is AFTER she has usually thrown off my blankets, and opened my blinds!! I've never claimed to be a morning person...

Have you gone here yet? You should. Pregnant people (I say that like men can be pregnant :P) can register too, and have I mentioned that it is FREE?


Leilini W. Kinikini said...

She must be related to MY kids! Does she do the loud singing in your ear too while bouncing the daylights out of your bed?

Oh, about the donor registration...I did it! I just couldn't bare the thought of passing up such an opportunity to help someone out? Besides, like you said they need all the diversity they can get, hey just maybe my POLYNESIAN marrow is needed? huh?

Besides even though I'm prego, I only have 4 months left, the way I see it is...hey in 5 months someone whom I match might just be ready then! Thanks for being such a "director" with this!

Anonymous said...

LOL - My alarm clock goes something like this - MOOOM! MOOOM! OUT! This would be my baby yelling at me to get out of crib. I let her out and go back to bed - the girls have some daddy time before he goes to work. Then Sariah comes in and throws a book at me, climbs in and we read together.

Great job heading up the bone marrow registry. I can't because I have to take an inhaled steriod daily.

Heidy said...

That is so cute. Hey sorry to hear about your friend. Austin has a Bone Marrow transplant and they are tough. I hope he can find a doner. Thanks for putting the sight to check for a doner on your sight. I never did get registered and really wanted to so thanks.

Danielle said...

So asthma is on the list for not being able to register but I'm going to try anyway because I feel pretty healthy. Now the trick is getting bub to do it. He gets scared over stuff like that, go figure doctor.

Jacque said...

At least she is happy-go-lucky! My Adam cries most mornings. Great job on the bone marrow drive!!! I have seen it on other's blogs too. Keep us updated on his condition.

Nurse Heidi said...

Katy, thanks for stopping in on my blog. I'm happy to spread the word about bone marrow donation - I signed up when I was a teenager to be a donor, actually, and it's something I feel very strongly about.

Ellie is cute : ). I have a similar alarm clock. Actually two of them. A Katie clock and a Rachel clock. Ethan likes to sleep - bless that child.

Jo's Mama said...

That is what my alarm clock looks like, too! Poor DH gets WWF body-slammed a lot and she steals his blankets.

carrie said...

I should be around, give me a call, that would be fun to see you!

The White's said...

So does your alarm have a snooze?

Lisa said...

I think your alarm clock looks sweet and innocent!! That is too cute I'm glad mine are very quiet and let me sleep in...

Marla said...

Oh that is funny!!! Ethan likes to cuddle in the mornings, thankfully!

carrie said...

Thanks Katy, your so nice! I hope you had a good time today with your family. For the record, Ellie was a piece of cake to take pictures of, so there! I'm excited to hang out in a few weeks and for you to teach me some of your skills.

camille said...

OHHHH, I love/hate those kind of alarm clocks, lol. Great pictures though, it shows the excitement of her alarming responsability!