Monday, June 7, 2010

And That's for Calling Me a Girl!!

I took Rhys to his 4 month check up...he's ginormous in weight (16 lbs. 6 oz.) and head (17 in.), but only average in stature. :)

His pediatrician kept referring to him as a she. "She's definitely healthy.", "If you could just pick her up..." I wasn't going to correct him. I knew he'd figure it out once he opened his diaper. Sure enough, the doctor opened his diaper, and Rhys peed on him. The doctor then replied, "Okay, now I see that you are actually a boy." ha ha...

Rhys has recently displayed his affection for fabric, stripes and paisley are some of his favorite. He especially likes the freshly ironed variety...

I think he got a little more than he bargained for in this picture. :) Now I need to re-iron my shirts.


Danielle said...

Ha ha that so funny!

Jen and Nate said...

That's funny -
People ask me all the time if Journey is a boy or girl - go figure.