Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cuddling with Ellie is the BEST!!

for the following reasons...

1-She has some type of fascination with my hair (the other night I was getting ready to leave, and she told me to wait because she hadn't rubbed my hair yet).

2-She always takes a big whiff of my cheek (she says I smell like Jell-O).

3-She wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a million kisses.

4-She tells me I am the best mother "EVA" (if you knew how Ellie talked, you would understand that I can't write "ever")!!

5-When I tell her I love her even though she eats her boogers, she tells me she loves me even though I always get mad.

6-She likes to tell me funny stories while her cheek is next to my cheek, and then we laugh together.

7-She tells me she loves me all the way to Natalie's (and that is at least 45 minutes away...which means she loves me a lot!!).

8-If I tickle her arms, she tickles mine.

9-Every night she asks if she can sleep in my bed when her bum gets dry...

10-Cuddling starts all over again in my bed at 4 am.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

So, This is Christmas...

We hope Santa found your houses this year...he found ours with a little help from our magic reindeer food, of course (oats and sparkles)....

As some might know, all Ellie wanted for Christmas was a baby sister...although that wasn't a possibility this year, Santa did some last minute shopping and found her this:

Ellie got a motion sensored baby and all new baby gear.

Not only did Ellie get her motion sensored baby doll, but she also got a swimming baby, and the "black baby in Grandma and Grandpa's closet" (yes, somebody found a couple of her presents a little too early).

Photo of Shaneequa and Crystal taken by photographer extrodinaire...Ellie. Crystal was my baby when I was a little girl.
On top of the babies Santa gave her, Ellie got a doctor kit from Grandma and Grandpa and doctor dress up from Mom and Dad...

Grandma GiGi gave her Little Lady Lingerie (don't worry, more on this later) and jumping shoes (I've tried them out, and they are fun!!). Ellie also got oodles of new clothes and shoes (she is growing like a weed!!).

Dan got some new golf clubs (2006 Callaways), and Ellie picked out these new pajamas for him (even though I wanted to get him some more long sleeved shirts)...

As for me, I got a ton of new clothes and shoes for student teaching (no turtlenecks...I will not be called Velma again...).

We hope you all had a great Christmas. Dan and I reflected a lot this year, and we feel truly fortunate to have our health, family, friends and each other. We are grateful for our Savior and the many blessings we have received by being members of the LDS faith.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rudolph the Red Hot Reindeer...

Since Ellie took to painting ornaments so well at the farm, I decided our new tradition would be to have Ellie paint a new craft every year. She did so well, we might have her make them for neighborhood gifts next year (hopefully that doesn't violate any child labor laws...).

So without further ado, I introduce you to Rudolph the Red Hot Reindeer....

He enjoys chillin' with the Holy family...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Shannie's Christmas Party

So, yes this was two weeks ago, but I needed to post the pictures of the girls in their "Santa's Little Helper" jammies...

Shannon never gets to be here for Christmas, so since she was here the first part of the month Grandma GiGi decided to throw her a Christmas party. Ellie LOVES parties, and Shannon, so it was a hit for that little three year old of mine..

After the girls changed into their jammies, my Dad read them the story of the first Christmas...

Check out Ellie's hand...isn't that so cute? She had her arm around Shannie the ENTIRE story!!

Lucy was so cute. Grandma GiGi has a dancing/singing Santa, and Lucy grooved to it all night, hip shaking and ALL.
Thanks Grandma for the fun night, and the cute pajamas!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ellie might need a hug Christmas morning...

That little girl of mine wants a baby sister for Christmas. She's even tried to buy the baby things for Christmas!! I've tried to talk her out of wanting one (they poop, cry, etc.), but it seems to make her want one EVEN more!! She even told me that if the baby wakes up and I'm sleeping she'll take the baby downstairs to feed her a bottle. She has even told her gymnastic coach and nursery teachers that I am going to have a baby (can you believe her?).

Poor Ellie.

She's desperate, she even discussed options with Dan. I was flipping through channels, and I happend to stop on the "pregnant man" story on Discovery. Ellie's jaw hit the floor. A couple days later she had this conversation with Dan:

Ellie: Hey Dad, if mommy doesn't want to have a baby you can.

Dan: No, I can't. Guys can't have babies.

Ellie: Uh...yeah they can, I saw it on TV.

And she DID!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our "go to" Guy

Everyone needs one, right?

Introducing Tommy....

Tommy is our magical, Christmas Elf. Each night he flies home to tell Santa the good and the bad things Ellie has done throughout the day. He flies back early in the morning, and finds a new spot to observe from for the day.

You'll never believe where we found him Sunday morning...

When Ellie got up in the morning, she stopped at the stairs and started giggling. She yelled for Dan, and said, "Look Dad, look at Tommy!! I told you he was magic!!"
We love waking up in the morning to find him...we will definitely miss him when Christmas is over!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shannie and Temple Square...

Good news, Shannie is visiting from Tulsa!! Shannon is 4 1/2 years older than Ellie (but Ellie thinks they are the same age). Ellie loves playing with Shannon, and has cried EVERY night she has to leave her to go home.

Friday night we went to Temple Square to see the lights. Ellie refused to hold anyone's hand but Shannon's (and sometimes Grandma GiGi's).

Apparently we aren't as fun to take pictures with...who knew!!?

Warming up by the fire.

Just when I was thinking she was getting tired (she finally let someone hold her), I tried to catch her with her eyes closed, but instead she gave me this!!

Here are Shannie and Ellie licking the giant gingerbread house at Little America.

Beauty Sleep

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Santa was MIA

Our family Christmas party was held today at the farm. Ellie was able to breathe a sigh of relief since Santa was not going to be in attendance this year. Bless Santa's heart. Who knew that "Ho Ho Hoing", and jingling a bell would bring the kids to tears (not happy tears....FEAR tears!!). Dan thought he was taking pictures, but instead he took a three second video clip...just long enough to hear Ellie shriek!!

This year we did arts and crafts. Ellie painted this lovely mitten black with sparkles (she is far more into the stylish Christmas...not so much cutsie). Ellie painted the mitten for great grandma's tree.

Then after the party, Ellie and Jeff (Ellie's new boyfriend, she giggles when you mention his name) practiced their part for the circus...they're getting better. I'm a little worried about the tight rope...
Excuse my voice and Dan's loud burp.
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the fun party!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let's Preserve the Moment in Pictures...

You know how some times you get that idea, like hey, I can do that myself...

Well, Dan had a really good experience getting Ellie ready one day before we went out to eat. You see, Ellie hates getting dressed, she hates wearing hats, but most of all if you put something like a shirt over her head she can't see the TV. Except for this night, Ellie let Dan get her dressed. She didn't fight it or scream, and best of all she wore this hat:

My grandma's neighbor made it just for her, and even though I had tried multiple times to get her to wear it, I was never successful.

So, I thought to myself, let's take a family picture by the tree. Great idea right? Well, I guess it is a great idea unless you are a camera. I set it on the timer, and this is what it gave us...

Now it is obvious, when it comes to family pictures, we need professional help.

Festival of Lights...I think NOT!!

Last night I had an awful migraine, I think the stress of all the work I need to hand in for school, the commercial side of Christmas, and being on the computer hit me all in one night. I was so ready to hit the sack, but when I got to my room I realized it wasn't dark enough.

For some reason my neighbohood equates Christmas lights to the flashing lights of Vegas. Yes, my little neighborhood definitely lights up the night sky. I was complaining to Dan while I had my head under the covers (it was much darker under there). Then Dan looked out the window and asked if our lights were on...what was he thinking? Of course they weren't, it was just our inconsiderate neighbors. Dan ran downstairs, and sure enough, we were the inconsiderate jerks in the neighborhood!!

I think I need to live on a farm, neighbors just aren't my thing. Dan stocked this place last week, we were thinking of going for our anniversary, but maybe we'll just live there...

Has anyone noticed the bear is not bare, I guess you can still wear chaps...anyone want to join us? Dan said they have a pool with a slide (that makes me hurt just thinking about it). I also wonder if it is year round, I think it would be quite cold...