Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween, Halloween...what does it mean?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Imaginary Spankings
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
And We Were SCARED!!
Okay, so we really weren't...I have to admit that I didn't even notice that the "Frankenstein monster" Ellie had colored was hanging above the bed when I got up this morning. Oh well, Dan tried.
Now, I've mentioned that Dan hates Halloween, and I LOVE it (minus scary shows and Haunted Houses). Really, I hope our marriage works out, I'd hate to get divorced over this!! :P
The history behind Dan despising Halloween is this: Dan was not allowed to go Trick or Treating when he was younger. His family didn't celebrate Halloween at all, well except that ONE time...
Dan doesn't really remember how old he was, but he was home with his siblings one Halloween night. His parents left the kids at home, and while they were gone, Dan and his two older brothers Eric and Kimball decided that they were going to get some Halloween candy.
It is amazing how they worked together, and actually really touching. Eric and Dan designated Kimball to go (instead of fighting about it, heart strings already, right? Wouldn't you think they would argue about WHO would get to go?). Kimball didn't have a costume, and didn't want to go without one, so Dan and Eric scrambled to make him one. They used a football helmet and plastic garbage bags. Kimball went out the back door, jumped the padlocked fence, and went Trick or Treating in the neighborhood while Dan and Eric watched him from their little sister's room, cheering the WHOLE time!!
When Kimball got home he dumped out his pillowcase, and divided the candy evenly among all the siblings. Isn't that sweet? Really, it is one of those stories that make you laugh and cry...I know I did!!
Anyway, that was Dan's happiest Halloween EVER...The End.
Luckily we have some great friends that celebrate, and we are looking forward to the party Halloween night, and yes, we are dressing up...TBA.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sometimes I feel like a bad mom...
or now?
Ellie has an imaginary friend, Teeny Tiny Baby. I'm really not a huge fan of the little one. She constantly complains, she never sits in her carseat, she has been known to jump into Ellie's mouth on occasion, and I have sat on her before. In my defense, it is hard when they are little, and don't exist!!
Even though my teacher (okay, actually professor) told me that imaginary friends are a sign of creativity and intelligence (I told you she was a genius), Teeny Tiny Baby didn't really appear until I started getting busier with school. What breaks my heart more is when Ellie is doing her "homework", and she tells Teeny Tiny Baby to leave her alone, because she is busy (Do I really say that?).
I start field next week, and even though I am excited to get going on it, I'm also nervous. I've never left Ellie with anyone, but family (and Meagan's cute sister Maddie for an hour on Wednesdays). I know she'll be in good hands, I am just realizing what a change this is going to be for us. I'm looking forward to her social interactions with other kids, but I will miss our daily interactions (she is at her best when she first wakes up in the morning). Who knew that I would like being a stay at home mom, even though I really don't like little kids that much? I guess it is different when you have your own...
Anyway, I didn't mean to turn it into a blubbering post...I hate school.
I do love this though...
and this...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I was awarded for being nosey, and you can be too...

You can only honor five people with this award...the first four are dedicated to being a reader of your blog. The fifth is an out of state (or country)...Jessica honored me with this award, and it really touched me...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My list of 3
1. Katy (Ellie usually refers to me as Katy when we are playing together, I don't is a little less formal.)
2. Moooooom
3. Wifee/Wifey
3 Restaurants I like:
1. PF Changs
2. Jaxies
3. Old Spaghetti Factory
3 Trips I have planned for the rest of the year:
1. none (sad)
2. none (WAY sad)
3. none (are you crying for me too?)
3 Things I REALLY want:
1. A bigger house
2. Better time management skills (lesson plan, due tomorrow...I still have all night, right?)
3. Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses
3 Pets I have/had:
1. Flower
2. Bob
3. Winky
(these were all at my parent's house, luckily Dan and I share the philosophy...the only good pet is a dead pet, or a monkey.)
3 Things I did yesterday:
1. Running at 5 am (no worries, I think I am falling out of love with it)
2. Went to school
3. Did "cool tricks" with Ellie (jumping on the bed and such)
3 Things I ate yesterday:
1. Bagelful
2. Strawberries
3. One Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kiss (they do exist)
3 Fears I have:
1. Car Accident
2. Death
3. Cancer
3 Things I plan on doing today: (Considering that it is 10:20, we'll just mention what I did today)
1. Took Ellie to gymnastics
2. Grocery shopping
3. Met with the bishop of our new ward (Say hello to your new nursery substitutes!! Poor kids, I told them I didn't like little kids, but really where are they going to put me? I don't like teenagers or other adults either...)
3 Things I plan on doing tomorrow:
1. Give a kick-a presentation involving this video.
2. Go running
3. School
Holidays I love:
1. HALLOWEEN!!! This has actually been a struggle in our marriage, I LOVE Halloween, and as a kid Dan never got to celebrate it (well he did once, but that will be in a post all its own closer to Halloween day!!), so he HATES it!!
2. 24th of July
3. New Year's Eve/New Year's Day
3 Beverages I like:
1. Water
2. Orange Juice
3. Milk
3 People I tag:
Friday, October 17, 2008
Playground they exist?
me: Really, when (I was super concerned)?
Ellie: Oh Mom, it is just my CBS fiction hour.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Anniversary Love Letter

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What do you mean smile?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Wanna Know a Secret?
Ellie was the very last to share, I didn't hear what she said, but I knew what it was after the I heard the discussion.
Coach: Oh, no!! Really?
Kids: You are supposed to go potty on the toilet!!
Coach: Yep, because you guys are big kids.
Ellie: I know, I can't watch TV now.
Ellie had shared that yesterday she peed on the floor in the office. I guess Ellie is like me and relates herself more to a camel than a pregnant lady (that would be Dan). She likes to hold it until it is absolutely impossible to hold it any longer. I wonder how long that will be the secret of choice...
When we got home from gymnastics, I was in the kitchen making her a grilled cheese sandwich. She casually walked in the living room. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "I'm pretending to watch TV".
So, there you have it, pretending to watch TV is still better than doing any thing else.
Monday, October 6, 2008
There Were 3 in the Bed and the Little One Said...

Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Peeing your Pants is the Coolest!!
I peed my pants at school yesterday. I was running (I was supposed to be galloping), laughing, and saying gallop (because even if I was running, others would be more convinced that I was galloping if I said I was).
When I came home I told Dan what I had done...he was embarrassed for me, but lovingly reminded me of the time I wet the bed shortly after we were married (too bad I had already confessed that to the people in my class)...
On a less embarrassing note, I ran three miles today (and yes, I did pee a little then too...).