Friday, February 29, 2008

Move Over Tiger....

Dan, Ellie and I went shopping today after I got back from lunch with some of my college friends (Bre, Kim and Jessica). Ellie was fascinated with the golf clubs. When Dan would pick one up and look at it, Ellie did the exact same thing. Like I've said before...she's "little Dan".

Luckily I had my camera on me, and I got some shots of her in the putter area. She asked Dan if she could go golfing with him...that should be fun (hopefully none of the mean, old golfers are waiting behind them), not that I know from experience or anything... ;)


Susan said...

I think she's really the next Tony Hawke, you know how she loves skate boards!

Katie L. said...

Mat loves to golf and finally took Ben last summer. He LOVED it...well mostly the ball washer but he does have his own set of real clubs(Mat HAD to get them) so if you need little ones...we have them!

Anonymous said...

First thing--Ellie is freaking adorable. (Can I post anything without using the word 'freak' or 'freaking?' Geez.)
Secondly, I, myself, think that mini golf should be looked at as highly as real hopefully Ellie will come over to the cool side and realize courses with windmills=hours of fun to be had by all...I guess if she chooses real golf, she can always choose the best of that sport--driving the cart. Now, who doesn't love THAT???!

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

You are OFFICIALLY fired!
Sure...hang out with THEM..?
Just playin'
No, but Ellie is a doll....
Tell her to hit a HOLE IN ONE...for me!
Love ya (I guess?)
Marie ...
He he he!

Katy said...

Katie, I saw a cute, little pink set at T.J. Maxx once...I was SO close to buying it!!

Amberly, I agree that minature golf should be looked at as a real sport!! I mean, how easy is it to get a hole in one without a windmill. Seriously... I would pay good money to see someone trying to block one of Tiger's's WAY too easy for him!!

Mom, note to self, I need to take a picture of Ellie on a skateboard...

Katy said...

Marie, I know...I need to get up to SLC so Tasha, you and I can go to lunch. We should try a Friday...I can do Fridays!!

julie! said...

Sheesh Katy, your daughter is so stinkin cute!! Seriously, it makes me want a little girl too...

Lori said...

Ellie is adorable! She just might turn into a little golfer! Your socks above are killer cute, adn dude I didn't even know what "carver?" was. SNOWBOARDiNG term right??? or skiing... see I don't know. I can barely ski but I do like it.