As soon as we got home, I bathed Ellie (yes, I am one of those anal mothers who bathes their child every night...). As soon as Dan and Ellie's heads hit the pillows, they were out. When I was getting ready for bed, I couldn't help but take a picture.
Ellie is such a cuddler. When she wakes up in the middle of the night, and Dan brings her to bed, she snuggles right up to me, and I love it!! Dan usually complains about it, because he wants her to cuddle with him, so since Ellie was cuddling with him...I thought I should preserve the moment with a picture.
Late? I have no idea what you are talking about..... I got to bed by 1:30am. ;) but wasn't it worth it?! (this is a rhetorical question of course, unless the answer is yes--then you are more than welcome to answer it)
That reminds me of Alexandria. You've got to love those cuddly kids. I just assumed all kids were like that but after four I've learned that's not always the case and they grow out of it! :( So ENJOY it while you can. I bet Dan's loving the picture of him sleeping posted for the whole world to see too, huh? ;)
ha ha Debra!! We had a lot of fun, if gas wasn't SO expensive, we'd drive up there to play every night!! :)
For the record, I went to bed at 2:30...usually you're the night owl!!
Ondria, what Dan doesn't know won't hurt him... ;)
Why would he mind it's a cute picture. You should enter it into a photo contest for Fathers Day! Is there one?
Awww, that is so cute!
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